William Wordsworth’s Interest in Nature: Theory of “Emotion Recollected in Tranquility.”

“The office of the poet is not that of the moralist, and the first aim of Wordsworth's poetry is to give the reader a peculiar kind of pleasure.” --WALTER PATER
 [From Appreciations, 1889. First published in the Fortnightly Review for April, 1874.]

William Wordsworth's Fascination with Nature: Unveiling the Theory of “Emotion Recollected in Tranquility”

The Aesthetic Essence: Nature in Wordsworth's Poetry

William Wordsworth introduced nature into English poetry and revived interest in natural scenes and country folk in the truest sense of pleasure. Most of his great lyrics and odes had aesthetic pleasure of nature for their theme, for instance, "Immortality Ode" and "The Solitary Reaper." Wordsworth not only dwelt on the external beauty of nature but also revealed the inner aesthetic meaning of the various objects of nature. Thus in "Immortality Ode" he writes –
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

Nurturing Creative Expression: Tranquil Reflections

Wordsworth believed that nature has the power to evoke intense emotions within individuals. He saw nature as a source of inspiration, solace, and spiritual renewal. For him, the contemplation of natural landscapes, such as mountains, lakes, and forests, offered a direct connection to a higher power and awakened profound feelings.

According to Wordsworth, these emotions experienced in nature were not meant to be immediately captured and expressed. Instead, he believed in the importance of reflecting on these emotions in a state of tranquility, away from the immediate sensory experience. He argued that by recollecting these emotions in a calm and reflective state, poets could effectively convey their true essence in their works.

Wordsworth does not use nature as a background for his scenes. He describes and defines it as a living embodiment heavenly pleasure which can influence the mind of man and fill it with god- glory beauty. Nature is percale by a divine spirit and can communicate with man who surrenders themselves to its claims.

Nurturing Nature's Emotions: Wordsworth's Poetic Reflections

Wordsworth's theory of "emotion recollected in tranquility" can be seen in many of his famous works, such as "Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey" and "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" (commonly known as "The Daffodils"). Through these poems, he captures the beauty, awe, and transformative power of nature, while infusing them with the emotional depth attained through tranquil recollection.

Nature's Enduring Impressions: Wordsworth's Bliss

Again, it was characteristic of Wordsworth that the beautiful sights and sounds in the world of nature would have a permanent place in his heart. These would never sink into oblivion. And, when recollected, these would render him great joy in his pensive hours. In his poem, "The Daffodils" Wordsworth says how the beautiful scene of the daffodil flower dancing in the gentle breeze was painted on the screen of his mind, never to be wiped out. It would flash upon his inward eye and fills his heart with pleasures. It was the ‘bliss of solitude’:
“For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.”

Similarly, the sweet music of the solitary reaper in "The Solitary Reaper" was stored in his memory as a source of joy and inspiration. Here he says:
“I listen'd, motionless and still;
And, as I mounted up the hill,
The music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more.”.

The Power of Memory in Poetry

In this theory, Wordsworth emphasized the significance of memory and the role it plays in poetic creation. He believed that by recollecting the emotions experienced in nature, poets could tap into the authenticity and sincerity of those initial feelings. The tranquility of recollection allowed for a deeper understanding and expression of the emotional connection between the natural world and human experience.


In a nutshell this is Wordsworthian theory of “emotion recollected in tranquility.” To be a poet is just the experiencing. Being a poet as spontaneous as nature, then there is no artificiality, then we don't have any character, then we are as innocent and pure as a child- submerged into the domain of tranquil recollection. Awareness is perfect now, nothing else is needed. Wordsworth's interest in nature stemmed from his belief in its ability to evoke profound emotions within individuals. His theory of "emotion recollected in tranquility" emphasized the importance of reflecting on these emotions in a calm state to capture their true essence. Through his poetry, Wordsworth sought to convey the spiritual and emotional connections between humans and the natural world, inspiring readers to find solace and beauty in the landscapes that surround them.


The Poetical Works Of William Wordsworth (vol Viii) : William Wordsworth : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.152354


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