Co-operative Language Teaching in the Classroom: Benefits of Learning Process

In any of the language teaching exercise, experimental co-operative program of Language teaching for students is fruitful. Cooperative language learning is the process of providing every possible assistance to the students to learn the target language i.e. English. It also refers to a systematic instructional method in which students work together in small groups to accomplish shared learning goals. 
The total percentage of teaching learning experience multiplies by this Language teaching exercise. Allocations during the classes of operation can reach interdisciplinary studies: philosophy, religion, music, languages and literature, the arts, the social sciences, and mathematics, biological and physical sciences. Read More TEFL In this process, the teacher should always be on his toes to cater necessary help to the students as and when necessary. The classroom should offer sufficient opportunities for children to internalize any new language that has been presented to them. 

Simply presenting a precise of language to the class and asking them is practice for a few minutes is not sufficient enough to allow them to learn the language. The data in a large amount of research shows, compared with competitive and individualistic efforts, cooperation has positive effects on a wider range of outcomes. Read More Teaching English People operating in a cooperative learning activity attain higher achievement level than those who function under competitive and individualistic learning structures. Although a few allocations have exceeded maximal, the co-operating teaching learning experience can contribute. Although  the importance of the enterprise was not to be appraised by teachers alone; it was rather to be estimated by the quickening of research and scholarship, and especially of teaching, upon the campuses of the individual institutions co-operating, and in the geographical area which they serve.
The central role of the teacher is to direct the attention of the children towards clues and hints that will help them to make sense of the language they are exported to. Children are needed to be supported by their teachers in learning as much as possible. Read More TEFL    In cooperative learning research show cooperation has positive effects on relations among students, self-esteem, long-term retention, or depth of understanding of course material, etc. It has been tested as one of most effective and constructive teaching strategies. Read More Teaching English Although hundreds of studies have been conducted on cooperative learning in many subjects, TEFL-related research on cooperative learning is a relatively new and undeveloped area of inquiry in china. The full power of cooperative learning in foreign language classroom needs to be further exploited. This situation drives us to learn more about the characteristics and benefits of cooperative language learning in foreign language class in order to lead to explore the worthwhile effect of cooperative learning on the foreign language learning and teaching.

The teacher can use common and familiar expressions like Good morning, please, May I, Sir,/Madam, Thank you, It’s all right, well done, good excellent and so on together with certain activities like taking attendance, listing the students or requesting the students to do something. All these provide opportunities his for language development. The field of language teaching has experienced great change during the past fifty years. In spite of all changes abroad, foreign language teaching in the subcontinent  remains mainly traditional and changes slow paced.

Teaching has traditionally concentrated on making the students aware of certain aspects of the code without providing adequate practice.

In co-operative language learning—

(1) The teacher should face the class and pronounce the word very loud or the broad way slowly and carefully so that children can see her mouth and the way it moves. Read More TEFL Here, unlike traditional language teaching it refers to the teacher-centered method in which many ingredients of Grammar-translation Method and Audio-Lingual Method are used in the language teaching and learning. Automatically the pupils get more attentions than earlier.

(2) Teacher, leaving his secured dais, should walk to different part of the classroom and repeat it so, targeting a difference group of pupils. From the table below, we can easily see the benefits of cooperative language learning.

(3) Teacher may repeat the word two or three times only, then the teacher asks the whole class to repeat the word two or three times and then the teacher should ask individual pupils may be four or five pupils to repeat the word. Read More Teaching English They give highlight to the interaction and communication between students and students and teachers, take teachers’ role as guider, facilitator, and negotiator, and stress the autonomy and centrality of the students in classroom.

 (4) The vocabulary should be enriched to their usefulness and frequency in use in practical English. Read More TEFL The communicative function of language considers healthy relationships with other classmates are more conductive to learning, and respect the integrity of learners, allowing for personal growth and responsibility, etc. The communicative function of language can also find its way in cooperative language learning.

(5) Mastery of structures is considered more important than acquisition of vocabulary. Read More Teaching English There are some main differences between cooperative language learning and traditional language teaching. Reference study is on the research of Johnson &  Johnson, 1991; Nunan, 1989.

(6) Meaningful situations should be created to teach English. Student-student interaction is minimal. Students are seen as acquiring knowledge of language rather than communicative ability directly and they simply passively acquire the new knowledge.

(7) Formation of linguistic skill is emphasized than giving information about the peculiarities of the language. Most interactions in the classroom are teacher-to-student or teacher-to-students, and student-initiated interaction.

(8) Adequate practice and drill should be given to acquire mastery ever the language. Read More Teaching English Language learning is viewed as memorizing rules and facts in order to understand and manipulate the morphology and syntax of the foreign language.

(9) The use of the mother-tongue should be made as little as possible. Read More TEFL  Thus comparing cooperative language learning (Cooperative language learning is to apply cooperative learning techniques to the language learning either for the native or foreign language) with traditional language teaching may help us deeply understand its principles and superiority.

(10) Activity should play a prominent role in the classroom.

Key Highlights:

Benefits of Cooperative Language Teaching

Increased motivation and engagement: Students are more motivated to learn when they are working together with their peers.
Improved communication skills: Students have more opportunities to practice their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills when they are working in groups.
Deeper understanding of the material: Students learn more deeply when they have to explain the material to their peers.
Enhanced social skills: Students develop better social skills, such as teamwork, communication, and conflict resolution, when they work together in groups.
Reduced anxiety and stress: Students feel less anxious and stressed when they are working with their peers.

Examples of Cooperative Language Teaching Activities

Jigsaw: Students are divided into groups and each group is assigned a different part of the material to learn. The students then come together to share their knowledge and complete the task.
Round robin: Students take turns speaking or answering questions. This helps to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate.
Think-pair-share: Students think about a question or problem individually, then pair up to discuss their ideas. Finally, they share their ideas with the whole class.
Group projects: Students work together to complete a project, such as a presentation, a poster, or a play.

Ref:  Journal of Language Teaching and Research   


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